
In my mid-twenties, I promised myself that I would visit all 7 continents by age 40. I kinda thought that would happen naturally, without any special effort on my part. Alas, I now find myself precisely age 40, and I've only been to 5 continents!

So at the end of 2007, I booked a flight to Argentina, the most common jumping-off point for voyages to Antarctica. I've scheduled about a month to find a stand-by berth on an expedition ship. I depart Argentina on February 7, 2008, for Melbourne, Australia. If all goes as planned, I will celebrate my 7th continent on February 10. And if I'm not too hung over, I will celebrate my 41st birthday on February 11. In Spanish, they call this timing "justito." I'd call it "cutting things close." Welcome along for the ride!

A note regarding photos: if you have trouble viewing the slide shows, try this alternate link: .


Friday, January 18: Writing from a WiFi-enabled hammock in Buenos Aires

I must be doing something right in life. 'Cuz this ain't bad. I'm in a hammock, overlooking a sycamore-lined street of Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires. Staying in a colonial-era building turned into a hip guesthouse. In an up-and-coming neighborhood, perhaps the equivalent of the Mission district back in San Francisco.

I may have to hang a hammock back in Oakland, this is just so, so much better than a desk in a cubicle.

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